Jet lag (circadian rhythm disorder) do not need to bother your trip to Vietnam. Jet lag is a disturbance in your body and brain function that can occur during long flights from west to east, and where you cross several time zones.

There are no problems when you go home in the direction east – west.It’s never for air travel in the direction north – south or vice versa, because here no one crossed time zones. This is the time difference, which can annoy our biological clock, our “internal clock”. When you fly from Copenhagen to Saigon will be the day very long. When you stood up in the morning at. 6, it was already 3 o’clock in the afternoon in Saigon, and you have to fly in 16 to 18 hours.

The body can have difficulty finding out, and then protest it from anyone – not all.This may inter alia have something to do with whether you have the most flight hours in daylight or at night. Pilots and cabin staff know very well jetlags problem. Jet lag – circadian rhythm disorder – may cause discomfort for 1-3 days after arrival.

It is a kind of bodily stress and it affects the hormone melatonin, which include controls our sleep rhythm. Jet lag may cause one or more of the following symptoms: Difficulty falling asleep, short sleep, fatigue, decreased performance, headache, stomach upset and nausea. But fortunately you do not need to lose hours and days – most preventable of yourself, and you should finally be unlucky and got jet lag, so it may well be treated with ear acupuncture.

You can prevent jet lag in several ways:your own preparation – without stress.When you’re boarding the plane – enjoy it, relax and do wellness exercises.when you landed – breathe Vietnam: Before departure – preventing jet lag with these anti-stress raw d: Be as fresh as possible, so I think that you should not be stressed, over worked or tired when you show up at the airport. It is also not good to have been at a party the day before drinking alcohol and being overtired.

Ensure good planning of your luggage and papers, so you do not get stressed out by these things. Make a packing list in good time – one for the trunk and one for hand luggage. Take a printout with them, so it’s easy to pack when you return.Book a seat on the plane at the very time so you do not disturb your fellow passengers when you want to go out and take a walk.Take as little luggage as possible. When you go home, you are definitely too little space in your suitcase. I know many who just had to buy an extra suitcase for the return journey!Choose the most suitable dress for the climate. You can buy everything in Vietnam, and cheap – even counterfeit products of international brands of almost everything!Have sensible shoes on and with. You get to walk much.If you have an expensive mobile phone (or other expensive electronic equipment) – so let it stay home and buy a cheap cell phone with prepaid cards.If you should lose your phone, so your loss is limited.There may also be obtained favorable prepaid phone cards for Vietnam – check it on the internet. Always have some reserves in U.S. $. They can be used anywhere in the world.

Eat light meals the day before departure. Walk or run a good trip if possible and go to bed early.1When you are on board – preventing jet lag:Decide in advance what you will get the time to go with – sleep, read, talk, solve X-cross, watch movies, play games, study or?Have the necessary entertainment with a handbag / folder incl. flight ocher, inflatable neck pillow, earplugs and sleep mask. Now you sit on the same chair for maybe 16-18 hours!

Throw your shoes and take flystrømper or wool socks on, it makes the ride comfortable and you keep the heat in your feet and avoids the tired, swollen feet. There is always cold feet in an aircraft on long haul. Get up frequently and walk the aisle – if possible – for the circuit.

Drink lots of water, the air in an aircraft is dry – very dry. We have seen signs of dehydration in air over long distances. You have enough time so you could well make a few small wellness exercises from TVM Traditional Vietnamese Medicine and from TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine.The exercises are adapted to the limited space.

I suggest an easy øremassage at the same time soothing and relaxing, but also exhilarating. You have a bioholografisk picture of your body and your head in the ear – with a øremassage influenced both.Øremassage for wellness.Rub your palms against each other 10 to 12 times to create heat and energy. With 2 fingers, index and middle finger, on either side of the ear is massaged up and down – X number of times, until you feel warm. Massage both ears. You start at the earlobe with your index and thumb, where dumasserer leathers 5-6 times. Use your fingers in the same way as if you were to pull etur up.

You have to almost “nulre” leathers between the fingers. Begin right by the face.Move your fingers a little upward and massage again. Continue full leathers around until you finish the top of the ear where it attaches to the hovedet.Sæt a finger into the lower concha (the bottom of the ear) and massage for 10 sec. by light pressure withfingertip – area by area until you have touched the surface. Continue in the upper concha(The bottom of the tube) in the same manner. A øremassage may not last longer than 1-2 min.Ref: TCM – Traditional Chinese Medicine, ear acupuncture. legsmassage for Wellness:Avoid swollen legs and feet. Try this exercise for circuits and lymfecirkulation in the legs.Use the foot and the inside of the leg, like the outside of flystrømperne.Rub your hands against each other 15 to 20 times to gather energy and heat.Start with the big toe. Use right hand to left leg and vice versa. Iron lightly in small circles ina counter-clockwise motion (imagine that there is a dial on the inside of the knee) – 3-5gange on top of the toe and proceed with the small circles (approximately 5-8 cm in diameter)Work across the foot – against the ankle in small circles, 3 -5 times around each circle.Continue around the ankle with a circular motion, also against the clock – 5 times. Continue småcirkler on the inside of the lower leg up to knee.Repeat the “exercise” from toe to knee 5 times.Finish with 3-5 light strokes with a flat hand over foot, up and down the lower leg to the knee. It is polaritetsmassage where you actually do not need to touch the skin, but by afdin own powerful energy radiating affected leg qi.2Repeat benmassagen many times during the flight. It keeps the circulation in the legs in time and thus counteracted swollen legs and blodstagnationer.Ref: Professor, dr. Bui Quoc Chau, Saigon.

Once you have landed – breathe in Vietnam!The first recorded, it’s different climate with tropical air. When you get to the hotel – so take a shower before anything else – it helps to counteract any jetlags-effects – and then the adventure begin!If you experience symptoms of jet lag: It can be treated with ear acupuncture:Use the options: # shenmen, # zero, # pineal, insomnia # 1, # insomnia secondAlso needling or bead placement.Point Massage is also effective. It may all perform. Here massaged each point from 8 to 10 times with a palpérstav or a “round little” pencil.

The 3 of the items are not included in my book on ear acupuncture. Therefore I made a little øreskitse with the points. The annexed here, and it can be seen in “Akupunktørens guidebook.”Fortunately, it is most people who experience long flights without even having problems with jet lag. But now you know anything about jet lag, and if you want to make sure you know what you can do. I wish you a very nice trip with all the experiences you could wish for, whether you are a touristor student. You have opportunities in Vietnam.

Acupuncture against Jet lag from Doris Damsgaard